Welcome to Moorside Poll Herefords Website
1 bulls & 3 in-calf female SOLD in Autumn 2024. One good bull available, suitable for pedigree use or beef suckler herds.
Click Link:- Pilot Semen for sale via UK Sire Services
We breed Poll Hereford Cattle and Easy Care Sheep in Lancashire, United Kingdom.
What type of bull do you need?
All our bulls are medium sized and easier finishing than Continental breeds.
"Heifer Bulls"
The most important features of these bulls will be easy calving, from small birth-weight, smooth shoulders and shorter gestation length. Moorside 1 Living-the-Dream is pictured here. Australian genetics have been used here to give us smaller calves. He is a 3/4 brother to our herd sire "Montgomery". LTD sold at 2015 Hereford Spring Sale for 5200gns to a commercial suckler herd.
BULLS NOW AVAILABLE- Sold out until 2022. You are welcome to come & view the young bulls and possibly pre-order for next year.
"Suckler Replacement Bulls"
These bulls require good legs, feet, udder and milk with good maternal calving ease. A positive EBV for fat may be an advantage.
As you can see from this photograph, a medium sized Hereford cow can wean a big calf.
Any female with any problem with feet, udder, temperament is either culled or used as an embryo recipient.
BULLS NOW AVAILABLE- Sold out until 2022. You are welcome to come & view the young bulls and possibly pre-order for next year.
"Bulls to serve adult cows"
Here is a bull we sold to a dairy farm near Gisburn. I revisited to see how he was getting on to find him in good order and a medium size, suitable for running with the cows. Calves off him were making good money in the auction.
When bulling cows, you may choose a more shapely bull to get even better calves. Our bulls also go onto continental cows to produce finished cattle for the premium beef schemes.
BULLS NOW AVAILABLE- Sold out until 2022. You are welcome to come & view the young bulls and possibly pre-order for next year.
"Pedigree Stock Bulls"
The “Pedigree Bull” Buyer requires either-
- a excellent all-rounder to suit most of his females, or
- a bull with the qualities lacking in their herd to satisfy their customer needs.
BULLS NOW AVAILABLE- Sold out until 2022. You are welcome to come & view the young bulls and possibly pre-order for next year.Moorside 1 New Dawn 11th. sells Dec'24 in Designer Genes Sale
Moorside 1 New Dawn 11th sells Dec'24-
The Video
Moorside 1 Dawn 4th. sells Dec'24 in Designer Genes Sale
Moorside 1 Dawn 4th. sells Dec'24 -
The Video
New Dawn 4th. SOLD 5500gns
She gave us our top price for our five heifers sold, averaging 3700.
She was in calf to Coley 1 Pilot and sold to repeat buyer, Iain Wilkinson of Redstroke Herefords.
SOLD - Moorside 1 Tomahawk (HomoPoll)
Sired by Pilot, out of a good well made, good uddered cow. Pedigree link . Sold at April'21, Shrewsbury
Moorside 1 Santana, a very nice bull SOLD privately. (Nov. 2020)
Semen available from Semex UK
Jane 16th. Sold at DGS'20 for 8000 gns
Julia 4th. Sold at DGS'20 for 5600 gns
Its nice to do a bit of local showing.
Evita SOLD at Hereford Spring Sale 2017 for 3100gns
"No Limits" Carlisle Champion Spring 2017, SOLD for 3000gns
"Northern Star"
High Calving Ease EBV. Has cows in calf already, long and easy finishing. Full brother sold to Messrs Archer for 5200gns and doing well.
"Poppy" Female Champion- Hereford Spring Sale 2018,
SOLD at 3000 gns.
"Party Animal" Champion
Hereford, Carlisle May Sale 2018,
SOLD at 3000 gns.
"Moorside 1 Jane 8th."
Designer Genes Sale 2018, to Ewan Burgess
SOLD at 4000 gns.
"Coley 1 Pilot" Champion Hereford Bull of Europe.
Bought at DGS'18,
for 13000 gns.
Motown SOLD at Carlisle Sale (Res. Champ) Feb 2017
SOLD at3000gns
A deep, long, meaty bull with plenty of capacity. The only UK son of the immensely popular HOMETOWN, out of the fab 65P from Harvie Ranching. We have cows in calf to him. Pedigree link
"Romeo" Reserve Champion at Carlisle May'19 Sale sells for
3000 gns.
"Pilot" Interbreed Champion at Chipping 2019 Show.
And Garstang & Westmorland 2020 breed champions.
Its nice to do a bit of local showing.
"Pilot" in his working clothes, just before we sold him.
"Pilot" doing his stuff.
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Bulls at Moorside Hereford Cattle
Here are some bulls behind the cows, and also the bulls we are presently using-
Coley 1 Pilot
Breed Champion 2018 shows- Otley, Royal Highland, Great Yorkshire, Scottish National Shows, Champion Hereford Bull of Europe, Reserve Champion Hereford Bull of the World. Pilot joined the Moorside Herd in December 2018. See a Video of his dam below in the Cow Herd section, Champion at AgriExpo 2015. We have 2 crops of nice calves now, the cow herd back in calf to him again and a Reserve Senior Bull Championship from the National Poll Hereford Show 2019. We have sold heifers to 8000gns already and have the first son for sale and possibly going auction soon! Sold to Messres Heseltine, Bolton Abbey, N Yorkshire. Embryos out of Evita 10th x Pilot available. please email us.
CCR 57G Stamina ET 199S
Stamina has been used by AI. His progeny grow into broad meaty cattle. Daughters have good teats and udders. We have quite a few Stamina daughter as cows now in our herd and in a few customers herds. Bull progeny show good muscling, length and not excessive size. Check out his Growth. Eye Muscle & Retail Beef Yield EBVs.
Moorside 1 Joseph
Joseph was purchased by Cogent Breeding. Please contact Cogent for semen.
We have our first calf by Joseph and we like her. She was easily calved by her 2 year old dam. We have some great calves here by Joseph and get good reports from farmers who have used him by AI on their dairy and beef herds.
His first daughter in the herd calved down in spring 2019, giving us a good bull calf. This heifers full brother was reserve champion at Carlisle May sale. We have two more Joseph x Jane heifers to calve down in spring 2020, plus a full embryo sibling bull for sale- Moorside 1 Seize-the-Day
Aldersley 1 Edgar AI ET
Edgar is being used by AI this year and next. He is well proven with plenty of good progeny and high accuracy associated with good EBVs. He is owned by David Deaville in Derbyshire.
We only have a pair of mixed twins so far and a failed flush, but we have some straws left to use in the future. 2019 update- we have quite a nice heifer calf in the Maria family.
A new batch of semen for 2018, Jubilant looks the part and has "easy" figures. We have a few calves by him, including a nice bull calf out of a Jane heifer. Youtube Video link
A well proven & easy calving bull born in the wild flower meadows of Weardale. Brought down to Stocksfield, he has done great work at Moralee. We've seen him at Moralee and found a bull worthy of being used in the Moorside program. There is plenty of good progeny from this bull too. We 've used him in a flush and to AI some heifers this year.
Cows at Moorside Poll Herefords
Photos & videos from our Cow Herd, plus the odd bull.
Herd Health Status
Johnes Disease Accredited
Risk Level 1 for 11 years
This is the highest level of health status for Johnes disease.
BVD Accredited since 2012
Our herd is accredited from from BVD, but we also vaccinate to reduce the risk further and to protect animals we show and sell.
IBR & Leptospirosis
We routinely vaccinate for Lepto as we also keep sheep.
We "MARKER" vaccinate the animals we show for IBR and isolate them on their return.
4 Year TB- last test May 2021
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