Moorside 1 Northern Star
An easy finishing, easy calving bull with a great pedigree, out of our matriarch, Jane; by Injemira Advance, selling from home.
Moorside 1 Evita 5th.
From our Evita/Calpernica family that gave us the successful AI bull 'Moorside 1 Joseph'. She is a 3 year old, good bodied & tight uddered cow suckling her second calf. Her first calf was an embryo, 'Northern Star', who is listed above & sells in the same sale. She sells at Hereford with the option of taking her calf at foot.
Moorside 1 Phoenix
Selling with or without his dam, this bull calf offers herd sire prospects. Check out the calf and his EBVs!
Moorside 1 Mink 2nd. H1
View pedigree & EBVs A superb 6 year old cow, feeding her 5th calf. (3 her own, 2 ET implants)
Good leg, feet and udder on a long maternal body. This cow is a breeder and has much more to do. Halter trained and shown this year, she will be an asset in any herd. She is back in calf to female sexed semen from Netherhall 1 Oz Daffy, due to calve next March.
She sells at the Designer Genes Sale with the option of also taking her heifer calf.

Moorside 1 Mink 6th.
Mink 2nd's heifer calf from this year. A good calf that really takes after her dam. Fully halter trained and has already been shown along side her dam and by our 6 year old nephew in young handlers.
"Mini Mink" sells at DGS 2017.